smith mountain lake real estate nearest airports

Nearest Cities and Airports

Where is the nearest airport to Smith Mountain Lake? How far are the nearest major cities? These are common questions from people thinking about buying real estate at Smith Mountain Lake.

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There are 2 airports within 1 hour of the lake, and 7 airports within 4 hours. Visit for links to airports, maps, and other detailed information.

Below are driving times to nearby cities you can fly out of:

Roanoke, VA 45 minutes
Lynchburg, VA 1 hour
Richmond, VA 3 hours
Washington, D.C. 4 hours, 15 minutes
Virginia Beach, VA 4 hours, 30 minutes
Greensboro, NC 1 hour, 45 minutes
Raleigh/Durham, NC 2 hours, 45 minutes
Charlotte, NC 3 hours, 15 minutes
Charleston, WV 3 hours, 30 minutes

The closest airport is Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport. It’s about a 45 minute drive from the Westlake area of Smith Mountain Lake. Although Roanoke is the closest airport, it’s not necessarily the best to use. Selection of flights is more limited than some other options, and prices tend to be less competitive.

The other airport within 1 hour is Lynchburg Regional Airport. Although this airport is never crowded, and very easy to navigate, be aware that all flights in/out of Lynchburg involve a connection in Charlotte, NC. Charlotte is the Lynchburg airport’s ONLY destination.

My favorite airport to use for traveling to Smith Mountain Lake is Piedmont Triad International Airport. This is the Greensboro, NC airport. It’s located about 1 hour and 40 minutes from the lake. The word EASY comes to mind when I think about this airport. The drive from the lake is very easy, and typically without any real traffic. Parking is easy. The airport is never really crowded, and the lines are never long. You have more flight options than Roanoke. And the people are quite friendly too! It’s just a nice, low stress travel experience.

Within about 3 hours are some other more “major” airports: Raleigh-Durham International Airport, Richmond International Airport , and Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Of these Raleigh is the closest, and is also the nicest to fly out of in my opinion.

If traveling internationally, your best bet may be Dulles International Airport. It’s about a 4 hour drive from Smith Mountain Lake. Although traffic around Washington D.C. is notoriously heavy, when traveling from the lake, there’s little traffic until you get within about 20-30 minutes of the airport.

If you are wondering about the nearest cities and airports, it may mean you have some interest in Smith Mountain Lake real estate. If so, please visit, where you can get all of the information you need about lake real estate.

As always if I can answer any questions, please let me know!

By Ted Ciporin, Realtor

Wainwright & Company Realtors®
16503 Booker T. Washington Hwy.
Moneta, VA 24121